Shattehed Space, the first DLC for Starfield, can be presented on The Game Awards

Despite the fact that Steam is actively criticizing the last Bethesda game, the studio continues to work on Starfield, using players’ reviews as the main tool for changes. In fact, the studio is already preparing a new update, which should correct many errors and add several interesting elements.

The beta version of the update 1 has already been published in Steam.8.87, but there is no official information about the release date of the final version yet, since the idea is that the players themselves evaluate the corrections and allowed the developers to finalize what may be wrong. According to existing information, the changes relate to certain problems with navigation in space and the disappearance of objects during the restart of the advance.

In addition to corrections, there is also Shattered Space, DLC to the game that was announced before Starfield release. However, despite such an early announcement, very little is known about the expansion, if nothing is not said, but on The Game Awards we may get a brief idea of ​​its content.

Judging by the leak, the Xbox prepared at least the DLC teaser, which can be shown at the event, which would be very useful, even despite the fact that the game was not nominated for GOTY without a clear explanation of the reasons.

About how true this hearing turned out to be, we will learn in the next few hours.

If I had Todd Howard, hired security, went on stage and announced DLS with another thousand planets that can be explored, new minerals that can be mined and new animals of which can be hidden

And I would announce the DLC, which turns off the loading screens and the world at the same time becomes seamless and still +25% to FPS as a gift would put. Vanguyu, they would disassemble with a bang. This would become a precedent and all other companies adopted that "Optimization" You can sell separately. I would go down in history as a super marketer. Then he would have introduced paid patches.

And then he woke up in a fool 😁

Ish what Napoleonic plans, a seamless world in the Games of Beefzda, if you made this a team of developers would have to be driven with cloth rags

The game is mediocre feces and this is a completely intelligible reason

Here in the DLS game will be revealed. The main thing is to buy.

And don’t forget to update the computer.

It happens that the computer needs to be updated. GTX 980 Rebels of the past, he went with this card for 7 years, now she has a place in museums

Now I already have 4070, I forgot to update the PG, well, do not care) and if that, 980 is not so bad even now. At 980 I passed RDR2 and even cyberpunk, DL2 and quite comfortable.

The game after DLS will be revealed

And immediately closes

Add an output to outer space?

And he is there, then this is the cosmos?

They can add to the window 😄

So to speak one little step for a person and a huge step for humanity. Then they can already add to space

This will be added in the second DLS 🙂

They will add capshole only before you go into space you will need to learn to do this for 33th passages

Cosmos is an almost absolute emptiness. The gazebo will swear.

This game will not save even DLC.

AND WHAT? What is Starfield? I have already forgotten, this is some kind of indie game about space?

What other DLC? The problems of the game will be eliminated when they will? Never?

What problems do you need to eliminate?

Graphone, animation, optimization. Although I have no problem with the latter, but this does not mean that optimization in the game is mildly suffering. And this is not to mention the mainly flat quests

In this game, normal graphics, the animations are quite ordinary, updated optimization with new patches, the quests in this game are good, the largest of them pass in 20-30 hours.

Animations are outdated, 8 years old. This cannot be denied. They are unusual, they are outdated for such a game, and this is in vain that such a focus on faces is made in this game. Quests here are good only some. Most of the frank slag like kill \ bring. Yes, many games are even good to cripple, only in this game even the main quests are as flat as sideways! These are stupidly filler quests as filler series there are a lot of them. 70-80 percent! This is a frankly ancient and wretched tradition from the time of Daggerfol for a game of this level. And then it was a backwater.
Graphics in the game, no. This is the problem, it has no balance. There are things that needed details and there are a bunch of things in which are excessive or vice versa insufficient.

Inspired by jokes about Starfield, many of which, alas, are not jokes.

The gazebo announces the new DLC, which will make many changes:

– To complicate the game and deep immersion in the game. the game, now it is not revealed after 100, but at least after 300 hours (but this is inaccurately, it may take much more time);

– In space, another 1000 procedures for generated planets will be added, on which there will be even fewer activities – so that the player feels the whole void of space on himself.

– For long -standing fans of our loading screens, we will increase their frequency of appearance. Now, even immediately before each dialogue with the NPS, you can see the loading screen, which will be better to prepare for communication with the NPS (however, players may not worry, the player’s replica will not be the influence of the player’s replica, Starfield is not about this, Starfield is a full -fledged RPG)

– Innovative approach to the plot. Now the player at the beginning of the DLC will have access to the terminal, which will send him to the section "plot mods" On Nexus. The scriptwriters decided not to limit the player to his own vision of the plot and therefore the player will choose all the plots to himself – and even more so, generally abandon the plot. In the basic version of the DLC, 1 slot for the plot mod will be available, in the expanded – 2 and in the premium – 3. The player will be able to buy slots for installing plot mods.

– The economy will be finalized taking into account the desires of the players. If the player in the game does not have enough money to buy, and the player did not like the interesting grind in the game, the missing means can be automatically written off from the player’s bank account.